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Sailor Clones
They were created by the Sailor Devils as servants. They are basically clones of all of the inner, outer and starlight senshi. All of them are below. If one isn't there, e.g. Sailor Saturn it means that that one went wrong so they decided not to do her. But Sailor Moon isn't there because she is a super clone. Sailor Red Moon is the evil clone of Sailor Moon and she is part of the Sailor Devils. So she will be on the Sailor Devils Page.
The names of the Sailor Clones in order they appear below are: Sailor Annihilator, Sailor Erruption, Sailor Destroyer, Tuxedo Mascre, Sailor Star Eliminator, Sailor Star Electra, Sailor Star Slasher, Sailor Hatred and Sailor War.
The little fairy above in the title bar is the fairy that gives the clones life. Her name is Zirarl.
Sailor Annihilator, Errupton and Destroyer are all servants to Sailor Hellfire. Sailor Star Eliminator, Star Electra and Star Slasher are all servants to Sailor Assassin. Sailor Tuxedo Mascre, Sailor Hatred and Sailor War are all servants to Sailor Red Moon. |
